Book a Reading

When booking through online schedule please copy and paste this in the appointment notes and fill your information in accordingly.

Birthday: Month/Day/Year

Time of birth: xx:xx AM or PM

Location: City/State/Country

***I offer discounts to those who cannot afford full prices. Don’t hesitate to ask!***

Astrology Reading


One hour in-depth reading where we breakdown your chart, house placements, saturn transits, other transits you’re in/transits to come, progressions, and leave you with something to hone in on.

Human Design Reading


One hour breakdown of your body graph. Exploring your strategy and authority, and leaning into your defined channels. At the same time learning the parts that are undefined, so you can see where you are most affected as your “not self” and what conditioning needs to be acknowledged and released.



One Hour breakdown of the compatibility of both partners charts together. I will describe the aspects that form as well as the placements of each other’s planets in the other’s houses and how they impact you. We will also discuss the composite chart that forms at your midpoints.



Individual readings for our lovely people interested in learning about what signs and placements of planets may be a beneficial match for a partner. This seems to be getting more popular!

Written REading


This is a written/printable reading of your choice. I will breakdown your individual chart as I would in a standard reading and send to you in a PDF. Please specify in the notes if there's anything you would like me to focus on.